Monday, August 20, 2007

So after I got off the bullet train I was in Kyoto. The whole station was soooo big. It was like a full scale shopping mall mixed with 4 train stations and a subway stop. I accidentally got off at the wrong floor and ended up lost in the middle of the station.

But this isn't like being lost in a train station that you would imagine, it was a full scale open mall. So I was lost in a sea of stores and clothes and mix and match english words and phrases.

After about 15 minuets of wondering about I actually find an exit. It may not sound like a long time, but I have my pack on and it is really really heavy. It felt like I was just going on and on for hours in a sea of high fashion clothes.

So once I get out I make my 50 minuet walking trip to the hostel (train station - subway - walk).

I get out at the wrong exit and have to walk through downtown super crowded Kyoto high fashion district.

Once I get to the hostel, I meet up with some people that were from Seattle and we go out with a english -> japanese pickup lines book.

Haha that was fun, going around the city at night with a whole bunch of pick up lines (clean and dirty). hahaha.

The next day we go out on bikes and see some temples and joke around.

The next night I hang out with these two guys from the hostel that were Canadian and from England.

We talked for a long time about the differences we have growing up like school cliqs clicks not sure how to spell it.

The guy from england was telling us all these stories about how the gypsies would beat everyone up at high school verses the jocks, and he had all these different British terms for these groups of people and it was awesome to hear.

So we kept talking for about 6 hours about this and that. It was really cool to be around these guys and compare how we were taught world history in school and stuff like that.

The day after that I found the scariest place in Kyoto on bike.

It was an 8 feet high storm drain that was about 12 feet wide.

I took my bike, and went through it. I probably went about 1/4 of a mile through it until I just couldn't go any farther. It was so freaking scary. It was pitch black and there were pipes running across the width of the place at times so I would have to duck my head while riding.

I tried to take some pictures and video, but they don't do justice to how scary it was. But I'll tell you this, it was freaking awesome. At some points in the storm drain there were adjacent pipes that you could look down into and see light, but the thing was you would see light so far away that it is barely a glimmer.

It was awesome. And scary.

Farther down (that day I rode the bike I rented for 6 hours straight right out of the city and into the rural mountains) I found a small dam and had a break at the creek. I sat down took some photos and enjoyed the pleasant weather that the sunset had brought.

The rural areas past the city were by far the best part of the city. I'm beginning to notice a pattern that the areas I like are rural in Korea and not the city areas. That goes for back home too, but I'm not surprised granted where I was able to grow up.

After I left Japan, I tried to go to Yeosu, but had to leave immediately after I got there since there was no tourist information center.

Without that I can't find out the bus schedule of get a map. So I had to leave and go to Mokpo.

I spent 3 days in Mokpo and the first was spent being sick and it was absolutly horrible, all I wanted to do was go back to Seoul and go to the dorm.

By the third day I felt good, climbed a mountain, filmed some video and headed off to where I am now, Jeonju.

Being sick just made me want to give up traveling and quit. I guess that just means that I need to try my hardest not to get sick so I won't feel that way.

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